Struggle - a Poem

By Mahbubul Karim (Sohel)
December 13, 2012

A night bellows the gale and shivers bone
From moonlight comes the flood of hail alone

Streets and river have merged like brothers sing
Where ocean roars behind the trees’ hovering

That time waves crashed huts and palace in strokes
There went a boy alone clutching straw boats

He looked and saw a man with smile in eyes
That boy begged and screamed with the waning cries

The man of smile just took his eyes away
The drowning boy struggled in watery clay

Note: I have tried to write this poem using iambic pentameter. You can find more info on this type of metering in following location:

I did not find it easy, but the process of writing and thinking in measured lines in stressed and unstressed beat is refreshing. Maybe the next one will be better.
